A Collaborative Research Network within the Law and Society Association
LSA 2024 Call For Papers
Call for Papers – Deadline Tuesday, October 24th, 2023
The Sex, Work, Law and Society Collaborative Research Network seeks submissions for the Law and Society Association Annual Meeting
Denver, Colorado, USA, June 6-7, 2024
The Sex, Work, Law and Society Collaborative Research Network (CRN6) would like to invite you to participate in panels and other sessions at the Law and Society Conference in Denver, Colorado. This CRN seeks to broaden the conversation on sex work by bridging it with considerations of issues relating to sex in other labour contexts, bringing together socio-legal scholars and other experts examining the intersections of sex and work. We especially welcome work using intersectional and transnational frames.
For more information about our CRN, please visit https://www.lawandsociety.org/crn06/ and https://www.sex-work-law-and-society.org/ . Information about the Law and Society annual meeting is available at https://www.lawandsociety.org/sanjuan2023/. To ensure that you are part of the Sex, Work, Law and Society sessions, please remember to select CRN6 as your primary CRN when you submit your proposal.
The theme of the 2024 meeting is Unsettling Territories: Tradition and Revolution in Law and Society. As such, we interpret the meeting theme as an opportunity to explore issues such as:
Crises of our time and their impact on sexual economies and sex workers
Revolutionizing theories of sex work, unsettling current conventional approaches
2023 marks the 45th anniversary of Carol Leigh coining the term “sex work.” What does tradition and revolution look like in sex work studies today?
Commonalities and differences between sexual labor and other forms or marginalized labor as a way to think about political and cultural alliances, as well as new theoretical nuances and methodological approaches
How cultural “traditions” and “revolutions” are shaping sexual economies and their socio-legal regulation
Socio-cultural territorial contests and their implications for sex work and sex workers
Climate change and sex work
We invite scholarly presentations on the topics above or other interpretations of the overall conference theme as related to our CRN-6 aims and scope. Additional topics of particular relevance and interest to CRN-6 include:
Methodology & ethics of sex work research
Labor experiences of BIPOC
Labor experiences of trans, non-binary, gender-non-conforming, and other LGBTQIA+ sex workers
Labor experiences of sex workers with disabilities and chronic illness
Sex work and Whiteness
Transnational impacts of FOSTA-SESTA
Experiences of sexual labor and its regulation in comparative perspective
3rd parties (Managers, platforms, etc.)
Regional & cultural perspectives on sex work & transactional sex
New forms of digital erotic entrepreneurship (e.g., Onlyfans)
Ethnographic insights into sex work
Economic marginalization and survival
Resisting policing and regulation
Sex work activism
Evaluating policies regulating or criminalizing sexual labor and commerce
Identifying and addressing stigma and violence against sexual laborers
Sex work clients & markets
Sex work in the Global South and the Global East
Law and Society requires a 2000 character abstract for individual papers and 850 character for panel description to be submitted for conference presentation vetting. The deadline for submission is October 24th, 5pm Eastern (US and Canada). Please be sure to select CRN6 as your primary CRN when you submit your proposal or you won't be placed on a CRN6 panel. For more information on LSA abstract guidelines click here: https://www.lawandsociety.org/abstract-guidelines-from-program-committee/
Last year some papers were sent to other CRNs that were intended to go to CRN6. To help ensure this doesn’t happen again, we encourage you to forward your submission email to us after submitting so we know to expect your paper.
All proposals for paper presentations, panel (salon) sessions, roundtable discussions and Author meets Reader sessions will be accepted (for more information about types of submission click here https://www.lawandsociety.org/types-of-submissions/) through LSA’s automated submission system.
Click here to submit an abstract for an individual and/or a session for our 2024 Annual Meeting! You will need to login to your LSA profile first using your username and password. For convenience, the username and email address we have on file for you is listed below. If you need to reset your password, go here. Please be sure to select CRN6 as your primary CRN when you submit your proposal.
If you have not yet created an LSA profile, you can set one up for free by selecting one of our non-member or student non-member options here. If you would like to become an LSA member, 2024 memberships will be opening this fall. Membership is optional, but all presenters must be registered for the LSA conference.
If you are interested in an Author Meets Reader (AMR) session to promote your new book, please read and follow LSA’s requirements (click here https://www.lawandsociety.org/types-of-submissions/ and scroll down). If you need any help organizing and AMR, we would be happy to assist. Please email us at co-chairs@sex-work-law-and-society.org before October 3rd, giving us sufficient time to assist you before the October 24th LSA submission deadline.
We are also considering hosting a New Books in the Field panel which would feature authors and readers for five books published in 2023. If you are interested in participating, please email us at co-chairs@sex-work-law-and-society.org before October 3rd, giving us sufficient time to assist you before the October 24th LSA submission deadline.
LSA has made the decision to return to an in-person meeting only. We continue to be concerned about the ongoing Covid pandemic, how it impacts people and regions differently, and how deeply rooted ableism is in academia, however this LSA policy is beyond our control. Please contact us if you are unable to attend an in-person conference and would be interested in participating in an online session unaffiliated with the LSA conference at a future date.
Please note that everyone attending the meeting is expected to register. Only those who register will be included on the official LSA Program (online and printed), or be allowed to present papers, or attend presentations and other functions at the conference. You do not have to be a member of LSA to participate in the meeting generally.
Please email us at co-chairs@sex-work-law-and-society.org if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you in Denver!